Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pagan Blog Project- R is for Rites of Passage

My definition of Rites of Passage are ceremonies that mark important/significant events that happen in a person's life. Wiccan's have many celebrations that can be performed and celebrated.

Belly Blessings- performed on mothers-to-be as a blessing for both mom and child. Mom can also be pampered during these ceremonies.

Wiccaning/Naming Ceremonies- done once a child is born. The child is blessed and introduced to the gods and elements. Different traditions will have different ways of doing this.

Becoming a Woman- done for girls who have started menstruating.

Becoming a Man- done for boys who are entering teen years.

Handfasting/Marriage- this can be a spiritual or legal ceremony, joining a couple together as husband and wife, or partners. In older times a Handfasting was for a year a day, but now people tend to go longer :)

Divorce/Handparting- done when a marriage or partnership ends.

Croning or Saging- done for elders who are ready to enter the next stage of their life.

Death- service to honor the dearly departed.

Other rites of passage can also include initiation into a coven or even your own dedication to your gods can be viewed as a rite of passage.

What rites do you celebrate in your faith?



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